Exodus Film Project
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Exodus Filmproject (NL)
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 Diary 2003
The Exodus Film project is received with a great deal of enthusiasm. Several sponsors and friends of Israël have already offered their support.

Patti Moss, USA - Oregon Oaks, fundraising

Jerry Bergman, Denmark

Marc Joris, Flemmish writter and analyst of the Middle East - Europe conflict, has confirmed its full support, as background writter of articles for our film scripts.

Andre Gantman, will be our spokesman for the project in Antwerp.

Wim Verstraeten, presents the Hot Air Balloon, design by Cameron Balloons.

 Hamlet's Shadow, Israeli tekst writer for the PR-Exodus Project Israel - USA.

*Visit his website: http://israelcool.com

Jeanice Laureyssens, Freelance Journalist, Translater and PR-Exodus Project Europe.